速報APP / 商業 / Boss Lucky Jackpot

Boss Lucky Jackpot



檔案大小:27.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Boss Lucky Jackpot(圖1)-速報App

Boss Lucky Jackpot is a marketing tool for conducting lucky draw using the Jackpot or Slot Machine mechanism for playing. The app can be configured to be a sure win lucky draw or a normal lucky draw. The prizes and the corresponding quantities available for the lucky draw is setup at the Setup scene. For a normal lucky draw (i.e.. not sure win lucky draw), you will need to have one of the prizes labeled as "Thank You". The app uses the total quantity to determine the chance of the prize being picked. Therefore, a prize with a high quantity count will mean that the chances of that prize being picked is very high. The lesser the quantity, the lower is the chance.

Boss Lucky Jackpot(圖2)-速報App

At the play scene, the player just need to hit the spin button and the Jackpot will start to spin his lucky strike. When the spin ends, the prize is announce on the middle message box. Clicking the Spin Again button will reload everything with the total prizes decremented by one. You can click the info button on the top right corner for the prize payout table.

Boss Lucky Jackpot(圖3)-速報App

This is a good marketing tool for conducting lucky draw with a twist of the Casino Jackpot flavour.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad